Saturday, October 31, 2009

flaming lips

embryonic by the flaming lips has restored some of my possibly waning faith in good old indie rock, this record is densely orchestrated with buried vocals but in a good way, which is pretty hard to do. My faith is back on track, sans agrees with me, give this record a listen. I am not one of those folks who lost faith in the flaming lips by a long shot, to me they are one of the better bands out there, well for stuff I would never personally want to play.
not to mention awesome cover art.
also ordered this guitar from japan

mij fender tele custom, double bound and creme'd binding. ooh la la
I am going to play this thing!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Robert Pollard = yeah

A long day here, mostly sitting on the couch. I just recently picked up the new Boston Spaceships record which is great, it led me to a long and arduous sitting with the guided by voices collection. So good in every way. If you don't listen to them, then you know you should now.
Went to a good friends wedding yesterday and probably over drank, celebratory indeed. It was great to see sans have such a good time.

Also picked up the vox ac30hh head up there, lovely tone maker/ noise machine of joy.
Pop Zeuss

Monday, October 19, 2009

Grooms + Royal Bangs = wooh

Finally got to see Grooms (AKA Muggabears) after listening to them for a few years now, I was impressed, this is a band that should be around for a long time, quality songwriting and noise inundated fun. Their new record "Rejoicer" comes out on 10/20 and man is it well worth picking up. Check it out if you love polvo, sonic youth and so on.
Also got to see the Royal Bangs again, this band impresses me so much, they somehow got even more dancey, I don't know how but they did it and the guitarists had awesome facial hair happening, lol but really, they were superb.
xox at sans

Monday, October 5, 2009

well howdy doo dah

it's been a while since I posted, but with the pandemic h1n1 knocking on the proverbial door I thought I would drop in and say hi, HI.
I saw a youtube of thom yorke playing with flea yesterday and well, as it wasn't truly bad per se, it made me think of Charlie and candy mountain from robot chicken. Those wacky unicorns.
Since my last post infinity things have transpired, Sans = XOxoXO
Went to Ren Fest, threw some axes.
and have found myself chasing the vintage vox unicorns like pictured above.

Looking forward to the next 14 days, Royal Bangs and Grooms (aka muggabears) are playing here.