Monday, June 14, 2010

smart phone=ing-er-er=yuh

okay droid phones are officially kinda awesome, I had no idea the internet was just waiting to be held in my hand like this, kinda awesome KINDA YEAH. the guitar up there is a 65 hagstrom II, I read a bunch about these guitars recently and well, I think they are the coolest vintage sleeper guitars out there, just really starting to actually catch on.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Gretsch 6162 and telecaster

these two are totally into each other, the gretsch is a 1966, the fender well it's made out of various other bits, mostly 70's bits but with fralin pickups.
why can i see my breath outside?!?

Monday, March 15, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

let it snow

Well I always thought nature hated Florida, apparently Maryland has fallen under the mighty view. I cannot say i don't enjoy working less though, whoo to that!
There is very little teenage fanclub that should not be listened to often.
Keep it cordial