Sunday, October 5, 2008

saw a movie

It was rad, I don't know what it was called
"burn after reading" hmm
it was pretty fantastic, Malkovich says fuck about 8 billion times in it. Highly recommended. Got a Squier Bronco Bass for funtimes at the casa de rock.
Had some awesome scottish beer and friendly's

today was a gem.

xox to sans

all you other people, hi

Sunday, September 21, 2008


i am addicted to vintage fenders, specifically duo-sonics and musicmasters

And Sonic Youth records

this is just a general background tidbit for anyone who is not in the know on what I am all about that stumbles upon this heap of shit.

word to the mother

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

DS = Short for "DISAPPEARER"

I bought a DS and officially disappeared for a moment there.
In a way it was very nice, Final Fantasy 3 really takes me back to the good old days that weren't very good.

sonic youth <3

Sans <3

Saturday, September 6, 2008

sans is playing zelda

the music really takes me back, sheesh I wasted some of my youth playing that game and loved every minute. So new songs are happening quite frequently for my new project that is really all about what I want to do and play more than anything else, it feels liberating, but writing lyrics is a soul-sucking menagerie!


Got the Tall Firs record today, I like these guys' music an awful lot, however, I am still out deliberating these vocals, I mean really dudes. I hear it and I understand, but man. Your guitars are awesome.

Got the thing called love dvd today, it was River Phoenix's last role I believe, if you read this and I am wrong please don't bother to correct me as I will think you an ass right away. I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO RE-WATCHING THIS ONE ASAP!

I am now debating going to the bar. SHOULD I?!
yes... I think so

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Sorry for neglecting you blogger page of mine.
I got some new guitars and so on though. Life has been good.

I like where I am at 90% of the time, the other 10% is when I am work.


xo 2 sans

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

and then there was

woo, i like this red sparrowes band for some reason unknown to me, very much into the darker side of this business.
When your best friend or one of them turns into an anus and ruins many a thing they have going for them, what can you really do?

I dunno.

Sans is awesome, cats are awesome, guitars are awesome. Summer has been okay.

this bland post is to get me back into the spirit.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

cheese is from heaven

I am putting this out there for all of you to ponder.
I have consumed 1/2 pound of american yellow low-grade cheese this week and it was worth every penny, i recommend it to everyone.
the record is done now, we did an ep's worth of recording last weekend and now we have a show tomorrow.
as always life would be less awesome without awesome people.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

recording is done

well, we recorded a record finally, I am super excited about getting out there and playing these songs. We have another recording to do in mid-march, 2 in a row, haha. The second will be solely about sound and one piece that sort of evolves into it's own ending. Those of you who know me, you know this means the middle will be absurdly loud and dischordant, those who do not know me just got told :)
Apparently my "E" key is sticking now, I love life.

many many shows upcoming


Monday, January 28, 2008

3 weeks later

2 shows have happened and one botched recording session, oh well to latency issues on computer based recording programs.
Looks like we're going into the studio.
on an unrelated note, sans is rad as always, i couldn't be happier.
I mean unless I had a pet donkey as well.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Sans is playing her DS

I had a terrible band practice today, first shitty one with this new band, we have a show in 4 days, WHOOO.
It promises to be interesting and then, well we have another show 2 weeks later apparently. This is going much faster than I had anticipated.
my gf is rad, just putting that out there.

hasta banana