Sunday, September 21, 2008


i am addicted to vintage fenders, specifically duo-sonics and musicmasters

And Sonic Youth records

this is just a general background tidbit for anyone who is not in the know on what I am all about that stumbles upon this heap of shit.

word to the mother

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

DS = Short for "DISAPPEARER"

I bought a DS and officially disappeared for a moment there.
In a way it was very nice, Final Fantasy 3 really takes me back to the good old days that weren't very good.

sonic youth <3

Sans <3

Saturday, September 6, 2008

sans is playing zelda

the music really takes me back, sheesh I wasted some of my youth playing that game and loved every minute. So new songs are happening quite frequently for my new project that is really all about what I want to do and play more than anything else, it feels liberating, but writing lyrics is a soul-sucking menagerie!


Got the Tall Firs record today, I like these guys' music an awful lot, however, I am still out deliberating these vocals, I mean really dudes. I hear it and I understand, but man. Your guitars are awesome.

Got the thing called love dvd today, it was River Phoenix's last role I believe, if you read this and I am wrong please don't bother to correct me as I will think you an ass right away. I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO RE-WATCHING THIS ONE ASAP!

I am now debating going to the bar. SHOULD I?!
yes... I think so

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Sorry for neglecting you blogger page of mine.
I got some new guitars and so on though. Life has been good.

I like where I am at 90% of the time, the other 10% is when I am work.


xo 2 sans